That's what I get, I guess.

So, couple a late night dinner of sushi, (which is fresh ingredients and not that bad for you, but heavy on carbs for a dinner close to when you fall asleep) with being hormonally water-weighty this week, and the scale is not happy with me this morning.

I hope I can work it off. I didn't think yesterday had gone so badly, honestly. I had school, so I wasn't at home snacking. I had a turkey sandwich for lunch, and then we went bowling and I had sushi and a salad with ginger dressing.

I guess a few pounds fluctuation a week into this doesn't really mean I should beat myself up, I just have to keep perspective. Less in than out, and this should work, provided the female anatomy doesn't hold a huge grudge against me.

Blah. It's hard. I don't really want to worry so much about it this week, anyway. Birthdays, anniversaries... it'd be a lot more fun to just live and worry about the weight next week. But that's not how I roll...

Which is probably why I roll, come to think of it. Sigh.


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